Project information

  • Type: Social housing
  • Client: FEED Organization
  • Location: Al Dakhla, Egypt

Feed Ecovillage project aims to create a design solution that is human-centric , environmentally friendly and sustainable. The Project consists of 3 clusters; 1.Housing and communal spaces, 2.Arts and sports, production and industrial zone. Clusters in the ecovillage are based on the octagon shape which in sacred geometry symbolizes:
The Octagon naturally created a radial masterplan with the central point orienting oneself, and by extension a built form, toward the Quibla can thus be seen as establishing a horizontal link with the center of the world and a vertical link with the celestial centers marking the axis of the world. Orientation, in this sense, is an act of integration that establishes a way of return from the fragmented to the unified, from the complex to the simple, from the accidental to the essential, and from the many to the one. The Architectural language is inspired by the traditional dakhla buildings and the peaceful village life while responding to the current community needs and dynamic life. The openings toward the street are minimal for privacy and heat insulation. The court is used for ventilation and to create a comfortable microclimate. The buildings are designed to co-exist with the surrounding nature as they are built using the rammed earth. The buildings use traditional building materials in a contemporary way for a better quality of life.