Project information

  • Type: Commercial
  • Client: Nadia Serag-Sakkina community
  • Size: 1600 m2
  • Location: Sakkara, Giza, Egypt

A journey, from duality to unity, a journey to transcend matter through spirit, as ascention is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. As the user experiences the retreat, they find themselves immersed in an outer body to inner soul experience that brings them a couple of steps closer to serenity and inner peace. This project is a healing retreat which paves the way for users to exclusively connect with nature indulging their 5 senses in a therapeutic zone where they’re all brought together for an ephemeral experience that will sharpen their senses. The plot is an exsisting farm in Sakkara with very old existing mango trees, Sakkara which is a vast, ancient burial ground in Egypt, serving as the necropolis for the Ancient Egyptian capital. Nassima’s farm is an environmentally friendly venture and drawn from local culture; it is designed that not a single tree to be removed. Sakkina the dome the source of energy where all the process of healing starts and ends, transcends the user to an open free space overlooking the dorms and huts; leading to a communal space with a kitchen and an outdoor dining using the freshest ingredients sourced from the surrounding farms, prepared by local women from the neighborhood. Pathways are designed with respect to the existing trees so they came out with an organic spiral forms. Materials were chosen to fit each space and that gave us a variety of textures yet all with roughness of earth; materials like rammed earth, Compressed earth blocks and stones.